The Fly Promise

We have a long heritage of delivering successful research projects and fully meeting our clients' needs, which has led to a high level of client retention. Our commitment to delivering extraordinary client servicing on projects has meant most projects roll in through "Word of mouth" and "Repeat business". We pride ourselves on the quality and speed of our work, which has given us the confidence to 'fully bill clients when they are completely satisfied with the work delivered by FlyResearch'.

Our Team

Greg manages the UK office and is undoubtedly an ideas man and a true research innovator who loves a challenge! He has vast experience of online research panels, bespoke methodologies, complex projects and modeling. He worked at TNS, AGB Research and helped launch Superpanel (world’s most validated consumer measurement tool) after which he established his agency called Aquiduct running P&G & Wrigleys accounts. Following that he worked at YouGov as MD and at GMI.
Greg Ward
Managing Partner
Dave is a co-founder of FlyResearch, now runs the Newcastle office & European operations. He is one of our most experienced researchers, working with top PR agencies and Management Consultancies. Dave joined the Mars Corporation R&D after obtaining a degree in Chemistry and Biology, over a 25 year career there he performed senior management roles running teams of up to 200 people in a wide variety of functions including Sales, R&D and Operations.
Dave Waddell
Managing Partner
Ian is a joint founder of Fly, now runs the Australian Office. After obtaining a degree in geography from Oxford University and an MBA from INSEAD, Ian spent over 15 years in market research at companies like Thomson Holidays and Nestlé, working in the UK, France, Greece and Spain. He was previously the Head of Marketing at Opodo, responsible for a €40m and set-up the consumer marketing function for 2 start ups, subsequently sold out for over $100m.
Ian Davidson
Founding Partner
Mike has over 30 years experience in the market research industry with AC Nielsen and TNS where he was UK Managing Director. At Fly, Mike is a Non-Executive Director in charge of Strategy and Product Development. Mike has a great strategic overview of the global research industry, and with his in depth knowledge of numerous sectors from finance to pharma he ensures Fly keeps on innovating in the right direction.
Mike Penford
Advisor to the board
Gisele is a senior Accountant and an extremely efficient Financial Controller, overseeing all financial functions at Fly. She started her training contract with Binder Hamlyn, subsequently working client side in the Services Industry Sector for the largest datacentre of Data Science as a Management Accountant. She also worked at Aquiduct, an online Research Agency and in more recent years a TV production company.
Gisele Perras
Financial Controller
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